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Virtual & In-Person Support
We offer convenient access to care through a secure telehealth platform combined with local, in-person support.
Seamless Care Coordination
With a dedicated care manager, your loved one will receive seamless care and collaboration from a team of specialists. This helps avoid unnecessary confusion, duplication of services, and putting any additional burden on you.
Improved Quality of Life
Our goal is to help your loved one live with more dignity and independence, for as long as they can. With the proper care and support, your loved one can live more comfortably and stay at home longer.
Personalized Attention
We listen to your loved one’s life story. This way we can design a unique, personalized care plan that effectively addresses their medical, emotional, and social needs.
Interdisciplinary Team-Based Care
A full team of experienced dementia care specialists work together to address both the cognitive and neuropsychiatric challenges that can often co-occur with dementia.
With Author Health, you and your loved one will have access to a wide range of dementia-specific services and treatments.
Comprehensive assessments to understand your loved one’s unique needs
Diagnostic clarity and education to help prepare you for what comes next
AuthorCare™ personalized care plan development
Ongoing, longitudinal care for your loved one, for as long as they’re in our care
Seamless care coordination with other healthcare providers
Complex neuropsychiatric symptom management
Author Health has helped my mom and I get the help she needs. Our doctor is very patient and helpful in giving me information, advice, and care.
The demands of caring for a loved one living with dementia can be overwhelming. You’re not alone.
We deeply understand the unique challenges you face, and have the knowledge, tools and resources you will need to navigate this challenging journey. We’re here to support you.
Everything we do is designed to help you reduce stress, prevent burnout before it happens, and make sure you remember to take care of yourself, too.
Navigate the challenges of dementia with confidence
Minimize stress and reduce the potential for burnout
Learn effective strategies to overcome behavioral changes and challenges
Feel less overwhelmed and isolated with connections to local support groups
Receive ongoing updates and the latest dementia management resources
We’re proud to support the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® to help raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's care, support & research.
Together, we can end Alzheimer’s disease.